Space Shuttle Endeabour coming to Los Angeles

The Space Shuttle is on its way to the California Science Center. They did three flybys of the Griffith Observatory and Hollywood sign. The best of LA came out - the most friendly people anywhere! Great fun taking pictures and meeting people.

Christmas in France - 2008

I had the chance to visit my dad and step mom in France. They had rented a house in Normandy for a family reunion and then we went back to Paris where I got to see the outsides of some fantastic buildings. Between Christmas and New Years there are many tourists and so I didn't attempt to see the inside of anything.

Conejo Valley Days 2008

Eperimenting with a wide angle (12-24mm Sigma) at night trying to catch the lights. The small carnival didn't have a lot of lights running. I got the impression that they were either out of repair or conserving energy. It took me a while to realize I would get better results by lengthening the shutter speed. Most shutter speeds are 1/5 second to 0.5 seconds.

Musical Instruments

A photographer was shooting our orchestra rehearsal and liked the patina of my tuba. I realized I had a bunch of old instruments and a nice looking guitar as well. I dug out my gear and shot using available light through a diffuser in the window.